My name is Curly and I was born September 2013 in Elberon, Virginia. I nursed with my mother until I was six months old. That spring, the staff from the Peninsula SPCA came to visit me because they were looking for a special alpaca for their petting zoo. I was nervous at first when I found out that I would be going to the Peninsula SPCA, an animal shelter that has mainly cats and dogs. However, since all of the humans seemed really nice, it made me feel a little better. I was so relieved when I heard them discussing wanting to take a couple of my alpaca friends along with me. I heard them say that children would be petting me and that sounded great because I love being petted!
Here is my journey. When I was born, I was called a Crias (which means baby alpaca) and I weighed about 16 to 18 pounds. I started nursing within about 90 minutes. My mom told me that I would live to be 18 to 20 years old and I will weigh 150 to 185 pounds when I grow up.
I arrived at the SPCA on June 14, 2014 and I was so surprised! They had goats, sheep, chickens, turkeys, donkeys, and a llama. I could already tell that this would be a fun place to live. All of the animals were in a huge, beautiful barnyard and there was a huge red barn- it looked just like home! There were lots of children petting the animals. The hay that the animals were eating looked delicious and I could tell that it was high quality, so it must be expensive! I think I found my forever home.
I am pretty intelligent, if I do say so myself! My caretakers say I am easy to train. In just 4-5 repetitions, I learn and retain many skills such as accepting a halter and being led. I don’t even mind going in and out of a vehicle. On Sept. 21, 2014, I went to my first “off-site” – the annual Paws for Cause Dog Walk! My friends and I had a blast.A friendly veterinarian started taking care of me, but I overheard her talking about shots and haircuts and it got kind of scary again. She said that I would need to be gelded (neutered) when I get old enough because it will help my disposition around the children. I tried telling them promise to behave but this is something that has to be done to continue to stay at this cool place. I am trying not to stress over this but I do not have insurance like people do, so I need a good supporter to calm my nerves and say they will handle my medical and feed bill for the next year. The doctor has turned out to be really cool and has visited me several times. She looks at my eyes, in my ears, and she even listens to my heart. She said I am very hardy and healthy. Fortunately, my friends and I only need to see the doctor twice a year for shots and other maintenance procedures. With your help and support, I know I will receive the best care! On Wednesday, October 1, 2014, I weighed 81 pounds and received my booster shots. They were painless and I shouldn’t have worried after all! The SPCA Petting Zoo is an awesome place and I know whenever I need help or I am feeling ill, Dr. Dolan and her staff will be there for me.
Remember how I said the hay was delicious? My caretakers purchase it from Old Dominion Hay in Smithfield so that tells me they want the best for me and all the animals. With the distance, however, comes the price; I can eat two bales per month! Each bale is about sixty to eighty pounds and they’re about 30 cents per pound. They also give me alpaca pellets which are yummy too!
I am very gentle and curious. I am very social and can be pleasantly dependent on humans. I love having my picture taken and will walk right up into the lens of your camera. I make a lot of little winey noises and always want to be by your side.
I also know that I will need another haircut before summer comes again. I am very fluffy and I will get about four pounds of hair removed! Just like human haircuts are expensive, mine are too. I promise I don’t ask for much, but I will also need my hooves trimmed by a professional and my teeth cleaned regularly. With the Peninsula SPCA being a no-kill shelter that runs off of only donations, I hate to take money away from the cats and dogs who need to find their forever homes. I have already found my forever home! If you could please support me for the next year, I would be forever thankful! Don’t you think I am worth it?
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