12 PM to 6 PM
Mill Point Park in Downtown Hampton
Bring Your Pup for:
Live Music • Craft Brew Tastings • Food Trucks
Costume Contest for Pets & People with CASH Prizes!
Dog Walk • Raffle • Vendors • Local Rescues
Games & Activities for You & Your Pooch!

Festival Activities:
- Live music on the Woofstock Stage!– Lost Soul Society with Special Guests – presented by Carol & Frank, Towne Bank, VCA Animal Hospitals, and Langley Federal Credit Union.
- Bow-Wow Beer Garden with Craft Brew Tastings -presented by Peninsula Animal Referral Center, Petco Foundation, Waste Management, and Sarah Browning-State Farm Insurance Featuring:
Alewerks Brewing, Bull Island Brewing, Caiseal, Sly Clyde Cider works, St George Brewing and That Damn Mary Brewing Co
- Dog Star Vodka tastings from Blue Skies Distillery
Costume Contest and Parade for pets and people with cash prizes + more!- Pet contests and activities: Dog Cake Walk – musical chairs style, peanut butter eating contest, cupcake eating contest, Bobbing for Tennis Balls, and Reverse limbo for small dogs and big dogs
- Local Animal Rescues
- Canine & Pet CPR Demonstrations
- Dog Walk along Downtown Hampton’s beautiful waterfront and through the historic district all to benefit the PSPCA Animals
We have a number of volunteer opportunities for individuals and organizations before and on the day of the event.
Sign Up To Volunteer!
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