Camp Hours for Critter Camp (6 to 9 year olds)
Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Registration Fee: $200, additional siblings eligible for a 10% discount
Includes: Five full days of camp, plus activities, materials, a daily snack, camp t-shirt, and a Friday Pizza Party. Campers are required to bring a bagged lunch Monday-Thursday.
Camp Hours for Unleashed Camp (10 to 13 year olds)
Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Registration Fee: $235, additional siblings eligible for a 10% discount
Includes: Five full days of camp, plus activities, materials, a daily snack, camp t-shirt, and a Friday Pizza Party. Campers are required to bring a bagged lunch Monday-Thursday.
Camp Activities
Campers in Critter Camp will participate in fun, educational activities that will foster responsibility, awareness, and compassion. Each day includes time where campers are interacting with shelter animals, but that is only one part of the experience. Guest speakers who may bring their own animals (for example a therapy dog or cat rescue) will visit each week long camp frequently to enhance animal lessons.
Activities about the cost of owning a pet, being safe around animals, and more are included in each day at camp, along with animal themed projects, crafts, and games. Campers will also participate in service projects to benefit animals such as making toys or treats, building feeders for wildlife, or creating signs and posters to educate the community about animal related issues.
Where to Go
Campers and their parents will check in each morning at the Humane Education Learning Center between 8:50 and 9:00 a.m. You will see check-in has begun when the door is propped open. If you arrive at the shelter before 8:50, parents must wait with your child in the parking lot. Parents and/or caregivers are not permitted to drop off or pick up their camper without checking them in and signing them out each day.
What to Wear/ What to Bring
Campers should dress in the clothes that are appropriate for active, sometimes messy activities. All campers must wear closed toe & closed heal shoes. Sandals and Crocs are not appropriate for many of our activities. All campers will be provided with a t-shirt that must be worn every day.
Each camper will receive a small locker. In their locker they must keep a refillable water bottle and sunscreen (which campers will be responsible for applying). Camp will take place rain or shine, so please check weather conditions to provide your child with appropriate gear. Please label everything your child will keep in his/her locker.
Campers must bring a lunch from home each day, excluding Friday when they will have a pizza party. Refrigeration is not available for campers lunches. We will provide one snack each day. Campers should bring any food items, including beverages, from home. There will be no access to vending machines.
We discourage all campers from bringing anything of value with them to camp. This includes money, toys, video games, iPods, etc. Campers may bring a camera, but the Peninsula SPCA is not responsible for any lost or stolen equipment.
Campers who bring cell phones with them will only be permitted to use the phone to contact their parent in case of an emergency. Calling or texting during camp activities will not be permitted.
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