If you are considering surrendering your pet due to financial reasons, please ask to speak to our shelter manager to learn about resources that can help you keep your pet, like food donations or emergency sheltering.
If you have exhausted all resources and need to surrender a pet, please read the information below before calling to schedule your surrender appointment. Surrenders are by appointment only. Walk-ins are rarely accepted due to our limited medical staff on-site.
Intake policy for the Peninsula SPCA Adoption Center:
- The PSPCA will take in domesticated dogs, cats and small pets for sheltering and adoption services. The PSPCA will perform a basic assessment on all animals prior to their intake into the shelter. The PSPCA will not be able to accept animals that are feral, aggressive, terminally ill or otherwise unadoptable. The PSPCA cannot take in stray animals found by members of the public. The cities of Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson and York County have built a new Regional Animal Shelter at 5843 Jefferson Avenue in Newport News that will impound and shelter all stray animals picked up by animal control officers and citizens. It will also take in any owned animal that cannot be accepted by the PSPCA.
- Animal owners seeking to surrender a pet to the PSPCA should call and make an appointment with shelter adoption staff at (757) 595-1399, ext. 100 for evaluation of their pet and to learn if space is available. If the shelter does not have the physical space or capacity for care at the time of the owner’s request, the pet can be placed on a waiting list for evaluation and intake as soon as a kennel space becomes available. The owner also has the option of taking their animal to the Peninsula Regional Animal Shelter at 5843 Jefferson Avenue for immediate surrender.
- Owners are asked to make a continuing care donation to the PSPCA for their pets surrendered to the shelter.* This donation helps defray the shelter’s cost of ongoing care for the pet and helps us to keep adoption fees affordable.
- The PSPCA requests a copy of current veterinary care records, and that all animals surrendered be up-to-date on all necessary vaccinations if possible (rabies, parvovirus, distemper, Bordetella for dogs; rabies, FELV/FIV and distemper for cats.) This will help keep the shelter’s animal population healthy and adoption fees as affordable as possible.
- Once accepted into the PSPCA shelter, an animal can remain with us indefinitely as long as he/she remains physically and mentally healthy. It is our job to do everything we can to keep the pet happy, well-fed, well-exercised, and well-loved until we place them in a new home.
*Note: Adoptable animals will not be turned away solely due to an owner’s inability to make a continuing care donation.
How to surrender your pet to the Peninsula SPCA:
- Call 757-595-1399, ext. 100 to schedule an appointment.
- Bring your pet with his/her complete vet records and any other necessary items such as medication, favorite toys, blankets, etc.
- If your pet is healthy and adoptable, then you will be able to surrender your pet at that time or at a later date (space dependent).
Download forms for Surrendering a Pet and complete prior to your appointment:
Cat Surrender
Dog Surrender
Pocket Pet Surrender
How to increase your pet’s chance for a quick adoption:
- Bathe and groom your pet before he/she arrives.
- Bring some favorite belongings, such as toys, blankets, etc.
- Update your pet’s vaccinations and treat him/her for fleas, if necessary.
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