PSPCA Summer Camps!
Grades K-2 and 3-5 (grades completed) – 9:00am-3:00pm three-day and five-day camps
Space is limited.
July 11-13
Grades K-2
Cost: $150.00
Enjoy being around animals big and small? Participate in this 3-day camp and learn compassion, responsibility, safety and care for animals when you spend each day interacting with the Humane Ed animals. Participate in hands-on activities, make crafts, and spend time visiting our shelter dogs and cats, as well as our Petting Zoo animals.Register Now
July 18-20
Grades 3-5
Cost: $150.00
Enjoy three fun-filled days learning compassion, responsibility, and how to care for animals when you do everything needed to care for the Humane Ed and barnyard animals. Lend a hand in the Petting Zoo, make some fun crafts, and read to the shelter animals!Register Now
August 6 – 8
Grades K-2
Cost: $50 per day
Spend some time each day with the Humane Ed pets, barnyard animals, and the shelter dogs and cats. Enjoy some fun hands-on activities. Each day is a different theme! You can register for each individual day, or for all three days.
Monday, August 6: Simple Machines
What are simple machines? Learn the different types of simple machines and their uses. Is a catapult a simple machine? Build a mousetrap powered car that could tow something to get the attention of your dog or cat! Register Now
Tuesday, August 7: More Art Fun
Enjoy some fun and unique art activities throughout the day as you show your creative side.Register Now
Wednesday, August 8: STEM Fun
Enjoy lots of fun hands-on STEM team activities throughout the day.Register Now
August 13-15
Grades 3-5
Cost: $50 per day
Spend some time each day with the Humane Ed and barnyard animals, and enjoy some fun hands-on activities. Each day is a different theme! You can register for each individual day, or for all three days.
Monday, August 13: Flight
Interested in flight? Learn some history and all about the forces of flight. Make a glider to take home, and enjoy some stomp rockets!Register Now
Tuesday, August 14: More Art Fun
Enjoy some fun and unique art activities throughout the day as you show your creative side.Register Now
Wednesday, August 15: STEM Fun
Enjoy lots of fun hands-on STEM team activities throughout the day.Register Now
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